Follow Your Passion

Career Shift is a motivational workbook that has one goal—to guide you in following your passion. The book takes you through three phases of self-discovery and self-awareness.

The first phase challenges your mindset and urges you to wake up from your misconceptions about career change. Find answers to the questions you’ve been repeatedly asking yourself. Is it too late? Is it too risky?

Phase two encourages you to gain clarity. Discover or rediscover what you want in life. Search for answers within yourself, but don’t forget to set your sights beyond your comfort zone.

The third phase emboldens you to take control. How? Go after and do what actually makes you happy. Realize your own process and find out for yourself how to go about the career shift towards your own happiness. The ultimate purpose of this book is for you to be happy.


SALE at P250.



‘Wag Mamaluktot kung Maikli ang Kumot!

“Matutong mamaluktot kung maikli ang kumot.” Ilang beses na ba nating narinig ito? Madalas ba nating marinig kay Lola o Nanay? Sa Filipino subject nung elementary o kaya sa pelikula o teleserye?
It is one of the most common Filipino proverbs that illustrates our values of resiliency and strength of character. Matibay and Pinoy.
Pero ang tanong… Bakit kailangang mamaluktot?
Isa pang tanong… Lagi na lang ba tayong mamamaluktot?
Ask for a Bigger Blanket that encourages all Filipinos from all walks of life to dream bigger. Go beyond your comfort zone! Put aside your fear and self-doubt.
In this book, Penny shares tried and tested tips on how to achieve the best version of yourself—mga payo para hindi na mamaluktot. 
It also features a collection of true to life stories of people who have achieved what seems to be the impossible. These are extraordinary people who have struggled through and risen above abusive relationships, office politics, poverty, broken spirits, or strings of bad luck in their lives. Alamin kung paano sila nakawala sa buhay na puno ng partitions.
Now, it is time to turn your life around. Tama na ang pamamaluktot!
SALE at P250 from an original price of P350.
Managing Your Life in the Time of a Pandemic
Guidance from Mentors and Coaches from All over the World
The COVID-19 pandemic spares no ethnicity, age, gender, social-economic status, or religion. It is affecting everyone in the world. How can we live our lives moving forward?
Forward Shift is a book based on the author’s “Conversations with Friends” project. Penny had the honor of sharing a conversation with 33 mentors and coaches from different parts of the world, including America’s #1 Success Coach Jack Canfield and bestselling author Brother Bo Sanchez.
This book presents insights and pieces of advice of coaches and mentors from different parts of the world. Its purpose is to provide guidance in managing life during these difficult times.
Get your FREE copy here.

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