Someone has been stealing my identity on social media!
Well, not exactly my identity. Someone set up a fake account with a different name and has been posting my photos and content as their own. Thanks to friends who helped me report the account as a fraud.
How about you? Do you have an impostor?
Do you feel like YOU are the impostor?
There is something called the “Impostor Syndrome.”
“Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they’re deserving of accolades.” (Harvard Business Review)

Is it hard for you to enjoy your achievements?
You’ve recently been recognized at work for exemplary performance. You are honored and happy that your efforts are being recognized. But, there’s this voice at the back of your mind, pushing its way to take hold of your thoughts. Do I really deserve this? Maybe it was just dumb luck.
Do you feel like a fraud?
You’re a team leader managing a diverse group of employees. You’ve been confident about your leadership style, which has led you to be considered for a promotion. But, there are times when you are anxious and afraid. My team and bosses will challenge my leadership. What if I’m not as competent as we all thought? Am I just faking it?
Do you doubt your abilities?
In spite of your training, experience, and credentials, you bury your head in the sand. You’re afraid that you won’t live up to the expectations of people around you, so you let others be the experts. You take the backseat even though you’re genuinely more skilled.
Face the Impostor!
Rather, face-off with the impostor.
If you’re questioning your own competence and abilities, self-assessment may be a good move. Realistically assess your skills, strengths, and abilities. There are plenty of free online tests and resources that can help you with this process, like the personal SWOT analysis and Strength Finding Tests.
Then, literally face yourself… in the mirror. I recommend the Mirror Exercise—something I learned from my mentor, Jack Canfield. My accountability partner, Stephan Jensen from Denmark, also often utilizes this exercise.

“The mind has two parts—the conscious part of our minds where we can make decisions, and the subconscious mind that controls our behavior. It is the subconscious mind that more or less controls everything we do, not the conscious mind,” Stephan shared in my third book, Forward Shift. (Download for FREE!)
How to program the self for better behavior and better self-love?
“Every night, look yourself in the mirror and say, ‘Hi Stephan!’ (Use your own name, of course.) It sounds strange but you need to get your own attention. Look yourself straight in the eyes. Focus on yourself. Then, lay out what you have achieved today, whatever makes sense of the results you have achieved today. The last part you need to say to yourself is what temptations you avoided. Then, look yourself in the eyes and say, ‘Stephan, I love you.’ That was really strange in the beginning. It’s the most important part because we are not loved enough, and the subconscious part doesn’t know if it’s an external person or if it’s just you saying it to yourself. And most of us are really good at talking ourselves down. The first time I started utilizing this, I saw no difference in my attitude for the first 30 days. After that, my spirit simply grew. There’s no quick fix. It doesn’t work a week after the first time you do it. But, it works. You need to give yourself over to the process.” (Key Insights from Stephan Jensen, Forward Shift, 2020)
Look in the mirror and see the real you.