With everything that’s happening around us—the pandemic, people losing jobs, people not being able to travel or go home to their provinces, people being alone in condos, money running out, the uncertainty of the vaccine’s availability in the Philippines, and so many unpredictable things— HOW CAN WE TRAIN OUR MINDS TO THINK POSITIVE?
I often ask myself that question.
2020 was really a tough year for me. As early as January, my father-in-law was hospitalized for pneumonia. Then, COVID-19 hit with the lockdowns. Speaking engagements were cancelled. Teaching transitioned to online (with the technological challenges). How can I stay positive?
It was extremely difficult not knowing what to do.
When I interviewed Jack Canfield last April 2020, I asked him, “Jack, how can you even set goals when everything is uncertain?” His response: “The first goal we all need to set is to SURVIVE.” I never even thought of that.
Yes, survive!
It didn’t even cross my mind that the pandemic would directly hit our home. But, it did.
Five out of the six people in our household tested positive last August. Thankfully, three were asymptomatic and two only had mild symptoms. After two weeks, they tested negative.
Even with constant exposure, I tested negative—twice. How can that be? Did I think I would test negative? Yes. I know I am strong and healthy. But still…
Despite challenges, how do we train our minds to think positive?

Negative thought:
What will I do at home while locked up all the time? (We are senior citizens, including my 96-year-old father-in-law.)
Positive thought:
We are fortunate to be together. We are blessed that my father-in-law is still with us. God’s will be done.
Negative thought:
Where will I get the money to pay for all the expenses?
Positive thought:
More business has come my way. Money will come to me with ease and grace. Fully believe and affirm it!
Negative thought:
Through the years, we’ve been celebrating our wedding anniversaries outside. It’s our 35th wedding anniversary this year. What now?
Positive thought:
There must be somewhere we can go to celebrate this milestone. (A hotel in Makati welcomed us for our celebration, since we provided our negative antigen test.)
Don’t look at the glass as half-empty. Look at it as half-full.
Remember, thoughts become reality.