A few days ago, the government announced that we will be moving to the so-called “new normal.” But, what is this “new normal”? Will we ever get back to pre-pandemic normal?The term “new normal” has been used in a variety of other contexts to imply that something which was previously abnormal has become commonplace.
Is it now the way of life across the globe? Or, will it have an end?
How are you adapting so far to this change? Despite the transition, the entire nation is still under quarantine and some curbs remain to prevent a second wave of infections. So, life will not be back to normal until the COVID-19 cases don’t decrease or as long as there is still no vaccine.
The changes in the economy, work, home, social life, business, and communication has caused drastic effects to our physical and mental well-being. People shifted from a corporate office to work from home setup; from being wanderlusts to home buddies; from having a social nightlife to binge-watching Netflix. For some, it is much harder as they have lost their means of living.
How can change be positive in this kind of situation? Can we choose to accept, adapt, and benefit from it? What can we do?
We can no longer change what is already here. The best way to deal is to embrace the change wholeheartedly as an inevitable part of life. Look for ways in this “new normal” to make your life more productive and fulfilling.
While this new normal has been a bit of a shock to the system, I’ve always tried to look at the bright side. Though all of us are in a different facets of life, I hope that we are all finding ways to cope.
Here are 10 ways to help you manage your life through these troubling times.

Acknowledge your emotions
The first step to having a handle on our emotions is to acknowledge them. Learning to recognize, name, and express our emotions will set us free from them.
Avoid comparing yourself to others
We are all walking on our unique path. Don’t be pressured with what everyone else is doing and achieving. You are not in competition with anyone else.
Take 100% responsibility for your life
Don’t blame your behavior on someone else or on the situation. You are 100% responsible, no matter how bad you feel or what’s happening in your life.

Be aware of what is worth your energy.
Be still. Breathe in and out. There might be many things going through your mind, and that is okay. Acknowledge the thoughts.
Do something good for your body, mind, soul, and spirit
Do something today that your future self will thank you for. Set aside time to do something good for yourself.
Be present
With all of life raging around us, make a choice to be here now. Don’t fear the future. It will only rob you of your enjoyment of the present. Now is the only moment that needs you.

Help others
There are countless ways to help others. It doesn’t have to be monetary all the time. Lighten the burden of others by simply cheering them on.
Prayers are powerful. He hears you. He sees you. He knows what is best for you.
Connect with others
During this time of quarantine and physical separation, it is important to keep social connections. Strengthen relationships. Build new and meaningful ones.
How I am coping with my life in this time of pandemic? I recently wrote a book entitled, FORWARD SHIFT. It shares how we can move forward, grow, evolve, and progress in the midst of this crisis. Grab your copy. It’s FREE.