How many times have you said “thank you” today?
How many were said out of habit?
How many were surprisingly said?
It has always been my advocacy to inspire others to have an optimistic view of conquering everyday challenges and aiming to ace every single goal. An important part of this process is being grateful, learning how to say “thank you” the right way.
It may be so odd to think, is there such a thing as an appropriate “thank you”? I don’t believe anyone would be mad when someone says “Thank you.” Yes, he/she might wonder why. But,do you think that person would raise his voice and ask, “Why are you saying thank you?”
Have you said “thank you” to the barista who served your coffee?
Have you said “thank you” to the lady who cleans the restroom at your office?
Have you said “thank you” to the driver who safely brought you to your destination?
How did they react when you did? I am sure it was a SMILE. They might have even said “thank you” to you too.
Decades ago, our company had an American guest. She told me that she wanted to experience a jeepney ride. “When in the Philippines, do as the Filipinos do,” she said. So, we rode a jeepney from Arnaiz Ave. to Ayala Center. As soon as she sat she said, “This is my first jeepneyride…Thank you for this wonderful experience!” The driver was surprised by her words. So,he told her, “Welcome to my jeepney and enjoy the ride! Salamat po! (Thank you!)”
Make each “thank you” count.

Be genuine.
Say “thank you” and mean it. Practicing uncommon appreciation really comes from the heart and not from the head. Sometimes, many of us take things for granted. You need to understand that all of us need those words of appreciation. There may be people who haven’t received and expression of thanks for a long time. These words could even save them. Say these words with meaning. If it is insincere, the person will know and you will not feel good.
Be consistent.
Saying thanks is neither an installment nor a one-time big thing. It is a continuous effort. It should be a habit. It should be part of your everyday routine. If you keep on forgetting, find ways to not forget it.
I always say thank you. Being polite is an innate thing for me. But, saying “thank you” in an uncommon way is unusual for me. So, I remind myself in my daily planner. I don’t want to let the day pass without thanking people who helped me with my dream, my#journeyto100000ph.Thankfully, this is a habit now.
Check out “How to Start New Habits that Actually Stick” at
Love yourself.
As part of Jack Canfield’s program, we were taught the Mirror Exercise.
Every evening, I would face the mirror. Looking straight into my own eyes, I talk to myself.
“Hi, Penny! I appreciate you today. (I express my appreciation for myself). I especially loved the time when (I mention details based on my experiences for the day). Oh, and you were able to resist (more details). I LOVE YOU!”
Here’s one of my self-dialogues from a previous night.
“Hi Penny! I appreciate you today for being able to help others through coaching. I believe you actively listened and appreciated the people you have coached today. You also said ‘thank you’ many times to your client yesterday. Oh, and you resisted the chicharon that was offered to you, knowing your cholesterol level is going up. I am proud of you. Most especially, I want you to remember that I love you.”

At first, I felt weird doing this. I was looking at the flaws of my face. “Oh no! My wrinkles are showing. I need to go to the salon since my gray hair is showing too! Oh no! I am gaining weight.” I saw all the other things that were “wrong” with myself. Eventually, I realized that I needed to appreciate and love myself even more.
Love yourself. Thank yourself for being strong, for staying sane, for being great, and for aiming for the best. Self-love is self-care. It is a form of loving others as well. Make it a habit to affirm yourself. Positivity will radiate when you wake up in the morning.
May all these ignite the thankful soul in you and inspire others to do the same.
Check out Alexandra Harra’s “Art of Self Love.”