I’m not a fortune teller but let me help.
What if I told you that you can look into the future that you want for yourself, and that doing so can activate the Law of Attraction?
It may seem silly or like I’ve lost my mind. Don’t worry. I’m not referring to anything mystical or supernatural. It’s simply a life changing tool called the vision board.
The Crystal Ball
A vision board represents our dreams. It is a collage of words and pictures that can be physical or digital, so long as it captures our goals—the things we want to experience, own, or do in life. It reminds us of our goals and helps us focus on our envisioned future. It is the closest thing to a crystal ball.
Our own vision board leads us to visualize living our goals, as if they are already happening in the present. This visualization activates the subconscious mind, which leads us to notice resources, people, events, and circumstances that were always there, but we might have previously missed. It attracts us to the people and opportunities to get us closer to our goals.
This is the Law of Attraction. According to this principle, we attract the things to which we give attention—the things we think, talk, and fantasize about. When we keep our goals top of mind, we will always look for ways to move closer to them.
The vision board is such a powerful tool that I’ve conducted hundreds of Vision Board Workshops all over the country. Organizations see how it benefits their employees both personally and professionally.

The (Future) CFO
On July 14, I conducted my first in-person workshop since the pandemic. It was the Vision Board Workshop for the employees of a tech company. Coincidentally, my last in-person workshop before the pandemic was also with the same company but with a different group.
A memorable moment was during an exercise wherein the participants shared their goals with the rest of the group. An employee stood in front and declared that one of his goals is to be the chief financial officer (CFO) of the company in 10 years. It was a jaw-dropping moment. Still, his fellow participants applauded in support.
Publicly declaring our goals or sharing our vision boards is not about pressuring ourselves. It is about affirming our decision and commitment to make them happen. Remember, activate the Law of Attraction.
This group was composed of diverse employees, from rank and file to senior management. Over the years of conducting this workshop, I found that the vision board works for all types of people in all levels of the organization.
Most of the participants in this group have never made vision boards in the past, so they were especially excited.
I’m thankful for their kind words.
I rate this workshop a big 10! I enjoyed it and learned a lot from it. Realized the importance of having a vision/goal written in black and white. Thank you very much!
Helped put my goals from thoughts to physical visuals, which makes it more powerful
It reminded me why I wake up every day.
I realized that anything is possible even after 40. =)
Educated on simple way of setting goals, not just in my career but on financial, relationship, personal and even in helping the community
Look into your future and take control of your destiny!

If you would like an exclusive Vision Board Workshop for your company or organization, email me at info@pennybongato.com. To learn more about the vision board, grab a copy of my book, Career Shift: Follow Your Passion.